Importance of water in our daily life, uses of water


Importance of water

Have you ever felt thirsty? If you have then what did you do to quench your thirst? Actually, what should you do when you feel thirsty?

The answer is so simple, you should take water. Yes, you should take water. But is it enough? You felt thirsty and you took water to quench your thirst, is it enough?

The next time when you will be taking water just observe the water and thanks to it. Respect it. Because it is not the only thing which you use to quench your thirst, it is our life. Your life runs because of this water.

It is believed that every life form is made up of five fundamental materials. A building is constructed with some materials namely cement, bricks, soil, iron rods, wooden planks, etc. In the same way. Importance of water. it is believed that every life form is made up of five fundamental materials. These five elements are the five fundamental elements of nature.

These are Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Sky. Water is one of these five elements. It means that water is not only a thing that we use but it has also a contribution to our creation. And this cannot be ignored even by science. Science also has proved that our body is 75% water. This means that water is one of the pillars of our lives.
And this also is not wrong that water has created us, water operates our life and water can be the reason for the end of our lives. Importance of water


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What do we do with water? importance of water in our life

There are various reasons for which we need Water.


1. For our own consumption

Our body itself is 75% water only. There happen various activities in each and every cell of our body, in every organ of our body and in every organ system of our body that keeps us alive.

All these activities are known as our BIOLOGICAL PATHWAYS. About all of these pathways directly or indirectly require water.

There must be a proper amount of water in our body so that all these biological pathways can run smoothly. If the level of water in our body is less than the required amount which the body wants every time, it can cause serious health issues.

The most common of these headache aches, sudden unconsciousness, etc. To some extent our body can adapt itself but if the level of water in our decreases down from that extent also then it can make your position serious.

This type of deficiency of water in our body or lack of water in our body not only can cause severe health issues but can also be lethal.

This is why doctors recommend a required amount of water to be consumed per day. In general, this required amount is 5 litres of water every 24 working hours (hours when you are not sleeping).

2. For cleaning purposes Importance of water

We also need water to take bath, to wash our clothes and do various other cleaning activities. We need water for bathing to remove dirt from our body, we need water as a solvent when we wash our clothes. we also clean various objects and machines with water.
There are various other things also we clean with the help of The Water.

3. For cooking

If you have ever cooked any kind of food or saw someone cooking some food you must be knowing that almost cooking of every dish requires Water.
Not only cooked items, but almost every edible item contains some or a large amount of 'The Water'.

4. Irrigation Importance of water

Just like us, plants are also a kind of life form. Just like us, they also need water to live their lives. When peasants sow seeds and grow crops they need to give water to the crops so that they remain alive and get matured to give the fruit, vegetable, cereal, fiber, etc.

5. Cooling purposes Importance of water

Water is needed in factories to decrease the temperature of heavy machines or very hot materials in a shorter period of time.
For example, in Iron and Steel Industries, when the molten iron is released from the furnace then it is cooled by showering it with cold water.

6. Electrical energy production

In today's world, Water plays a crucial role in the production of electrical energy.

7. For performing electrochemical activities

With the help of  Water, electrolysis of many ionic compounds is perform which plays a crucial role in the extracting of various metals.

There are more various needs of The Water.

What about the conservation of water? Do we need to conserve water? If yes, then why?  And why yes?  Why do we need to conserve water?

In today's world, you can not imagine your life without water. But just imagine, one day you wake up and find water nowhere then what will be your reaction? I will be a very new experience for you to hear that there is no water anywhere not only in your home but in the entire city, the entire state. the entire country or in the entire world. It will be very shocking news to you. Right now, you will think it is not going to happen anytime in the future.

If you are thinking this only, then, unfortunately, you 'can be wrong! In today's world, the major source of water is underground water. A large part of the population is still dependent on underground water. Nowadays, the purification of seawater and rainwater harvesting has emerged as new alternatives.

But purification of seawater requires advanced technology and you know not every city of a country is located near a seashore so it will not be beneficial for each and every part of the nation. And rainwater harvesting is completely dependent upon rain. With finding new technologies to obtain water and alternatives to underground water, we must also think about how we can save water from getting wasted.


In today's world also, so many people are suffering from water crisis especially the very poor category of the society. This crisis is estimated to increase in the coming decades any step is not taken to conserve water.
So it is a humble request on the behalf of all those who have suffered or who are suffering from the crisis of water to try to not waste water, use water properly and conserve 'The Water'.

The Central Ground Water Authority of India has issued a directive on 8 October which says, No person shall waste or misuse portable water resources tapped from underground. This directive was issued under the Environment Protection Act,1986 on an order of the National Green Tribunal(NGT). The violators will face imprisonment of 5 years and have to pay a fine of 1 lakh rupees. not waste water and...conserve water!

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